Amidst Loss and Pain, Overwhelmed Senior Finds Comfort and Relief

Kay is one caring, and resilient person – and she’s had to be, to endure the emotional and financial strain she has faced in the last few months.

Dealing with the recent passing of her elderly mother was especially difficult, as Kay had grown closer to her mom, spending the past couple of years serving as her primary caregiver.

At the same time, Kay has also been caring for her husband, who is now in end-stage renal failure and has needed extensive medical treatment. The pain of watching your spouse suffer is complicated further by the mounting expenses that have stretched their fixed budget to the breaking point, leaving some utility bills unpaid.

Kay may be resilient, but she knew she needed help. She reached out to Catholic Charities NH and our donor-supported Community Services program. Much to her surprise and relief, she received a prompt response.

“They called back so quickly,” she recalls, “they took the time to listen to me, and were so caring and helpful.”

Community Services staff helped Kay manage and pay for her utility bills, so she didn’t have to face the additional worry of electricity or heat shutoff notices. We also connected her to our bereavement support group to help her cope with the loss of her mom and the emotional difficulties she is experiencing.

Knowing now that she is not alone, Kay is very thankful to have Catholic Charities and our donors in her corner.

“You are in my prayers and I’m sure the Lord will tell all of you, someday, that you are ‘good and faithful servants.’”

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