Journey to Hope: A Family’s Narrow Escape from Homelessness

Tears welled up in Scott’s eyes as he watched his kids jump up and down on their beds, their eyes lit with joy and excitement. It was a moment Scott feared would never come.

Just a few weeks prior, life was much different. Scott was clearing space in the family’s minivan – not for a road trip, but to create a makeshift shelter for his family to sleep. His plan was heartbreaking: Scott, his wife and baby would squeeze into the front seats, with the five other children nestled in the back for restless nights of sleep. It’s a grim scene that too many families experience these days.

But for Scott, it was a scenario that never unfolded, thanks to the generosity of Catholic Charities NH supporters.

Scott’s family’s situation mirrors many families who come to Catholic Charities NH, tight-knit and hardworking, bound by an unbreakable love. They are the typical family you may see walking down any Main Street in New Hampshire.

With five kids in the house, Scott was a stay-at-home dad. Rebecca had a stable job and a budding career, but recently gave birth to the couple’s sixth child. While she was on maternity leave, her benefits only provided her with partial pay, drastically reducing the family’s income. At the same time, their landlord increased their rent beyond what they could afford, and wasn’t budging despite the family pleading.

Scott found a new apartment, but even that security deposit was too much. With time ticking and hope dwindling, Scott reached out to Catholic Charities NH.

Our caseworker connected Scott to local resources that could cover part of the security deposit. As the landlord grew anxious and their housing security wavered, we negotiated a lower initial security deposit. And thanks to donors, we were able to cover the rest of the gap.

For Scott’s family, this wasn’t just about filling a financial gap. It was the difference between having a warm roof over their heads or living out of a cold, crowded vehicle unsuitable for living.

A few days later, Scott and his family moved into their new place. As the children were exploring with glee, Scott gazed out the window at the minivan, grateful he and his family were not crammed in it for the night. Most of all, he was grateful to Catholic Charities NH for being the guiding light when all seemed lost.

Rebecca is now back to work, and Scott is now looking to pick up part-time work to ease any future financial pressure. The children are excited to go back to school and love spending time at the playground they just discovered down the street.

Eight lives – the latest of many transformed through donor support and proof that a community of goodwill can make amazing things happen.

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Your gift to Catholic Charities NH means a better tomorrow for your neighbors in need across the state. They include those facing issues such as poverty, mental health challenges, homelessness, isolation and other forms of hardship and crisis.

Articles & Resources

John’s Saving Grace: Monadnock at Home

See how your support helps seniors, like John, stay connected and avoid isolation.
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