Lou: A Gift of Hope

Lou is like many who come to us for help, grappling with inflation and soaring living costs they can’t keep up with. And like many others, Lou has normally been able to get by. But this year is different.
A few months ago, Lou’s world was turned upside down. His wife, Beth, was diagnosed with cancer, and Lou faced impending knee and hip replacements. The financial strain forced them to sell their home and start anew in a small apartment, eventually draining their hard-earned retirement savings. Yet even with all the measures they took to tighten their budget, they still couldn’t keep up with piling medical bills, rent, utilities, groceries, and other essentials.
Picture Lou, a Vietnam veteran who has weathered life’s storms, sitting in darkness, torn between purchasing groceries or vital medications for Beth. This heart-wrenching decision is a choice no one should face.
Lou turned to Catholic Charities NH for help. While we helped him file for low-income resources, connected him to a food pantry and helped pay for car repairs so he can now drive Beth to her chemotherapy appointments, there’s still a long way to go – and Lou is really worried about 2024.
Your support creates the power of light that breaks the darkness of uncertainty for Lou and countless others who are facing extraordinary challenges. Your year-end gift can mean one less agonizing choice between heat, food or medicine. It restores hope and dignity when our neighbors in need have nowhere else to turn.
This holiday season, we invite you to be the reason Lou and others find solace and joy. Your gift enables us to extend our mission of compassion, and your gift directly helps families confronted with choices as daunting as Lou and Beth’s.
Make Your Year-End Gift to Help Lou
Your year-end gift has the power to transform lives and relieve this pain and stress for our NH neighbors who face financial difficulties, food insecurity, homelessness and other struggles.