Community Services
Creating Pathways Out of Poverty
Community Services
Creating Pathways Out of Poverty
We understand that life can be overwhelming, whether due to an emergency crisis, dire situations or chronic difficulties beyond your control.
Our Community Services staff – with years of experience serving people across New Hampshire and an extensive network of community partners – provides compassionate guidance and support designed to address immediate needs and shift the fundamental dynamics of your life to create pathways to long-term success.
Services Include
- Case management
- Financial literacy training
- Community referrals
- Online support groups
Past Year
Individuals provided with direct support
online support groups conducted
Towns and cities directly served
Berlin area: 603-752-1325
Concord area: 603-228-1108
Keene area: 603-357-3093
Laconia area: 603-528-3035
Lebanon area: 603-448-5151
Littleton area: 603-444-7727
Manchester area: 603-624-4717
Nashua area: 603-889-9431
Rochester area: 603-332-7701
Other parts of the state: 800-562-5249
Our Approach
What makes our approach unique is that we work with you to both address urgent needs, as well as the root causes of issues you may be facing.
Through our Life Plan, we will assess your overall situation and understand the obstacles you may face. We then explore options to alleviate your immediate struggles, such as inadequate housing, food insecurity, financial instability or a lack of transportation, by connecting you to community resources.
In our experience, short-term relief or financial assistance is only part of the solution to most life challenges. We stand out because we are not a transactional program – we build a meaningful relationship with you by working together in constructive and empowering ways that promote your dignity and determination to grow in self-sufficiency. Truly moving your life forward requires collaboration, accountability and responsibility between you and our staff.
We support you in developing personalized goals and long-term solutions – such as financial literacy and budgeting, job skills training and more – that shift the fundamental dynamics of your life and create the resiliency to successfully navigate future life challenges.
While our goal is always to give you the stability you are seeking as soon as possible, it can often take time – but our team is committed to working together with you and advocating for you each step of the way.
Economic Assistance Overview
For those who are seeking some form of financial relief, modest amounts may be available if we have funds available, on a case-by-case basis, to those who will engage with us or who are involved in one of our Catholic Charities NH programs. We cannot necessarily respond to your immediate need until we have the opportunity to get to know you and become familiar with your situation. Our team will work with you to explore all of your options and connect you with all the appropriate community resources.
While this is not a complete list, we do not provide direct financial assistance around:
- Security deposits
- Travel expenses
- Major home repairs
- Hotel or motel expenses
- Moving services
- Mortgage assistance
- Car purchases
- Court fines and impound fees
- Christmas gifts
Special note regarding rental assistance requests: Since rental assistance in New Hampshire is generally covered by the town or city in which you reside, we will ask you to contact and apply with them, and your local Community Action Program, first, before we can consider your request. As our amounts of financial assistance are modest anyway, it may take several resources for you to cover a rental need – so contact them and apply. If we don’t assist you with rent, we may still be able to assist you with something else.
You can best benefit from Community Services if:
- You are open to working with us and let us complete a full benefits review with you so together we can ensure you’re receiving all the benefits you are eligible for.
- You are committed to moving your life forward and ready to actively engage us and be accountable in working towards the goals we develop together.
- You know that the goals we develop together may help you attain more peace of mind through greater economic stability and greater community support to enhance your overall well-being and quality of life.
Request Community Services & Assistance
To request help and contact our Community Services program, please click below.
Articles & Resources

Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Community Services

Moving Lives Forward: What is a Life Plan?